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  • Internal regulations

    In 2001 a Government Measure for the Greening of Municipal Services was adopted to promote the introduction of environmental parameters in municipal activities and, in 2006, a Government Measure on the Greening of Local Authority Contracts was also adopted, "which led to the introduction of environmental criteria in the City Council's general and special administrative contract conditions, before the Spanish transposition of Directive 2004/17/EC.

    With the adoption of the Government Measure on Responsible Procurement in 2008, social aspects were also incorporated into contracting policies. This Measure has been extended and updated with the 2013 Government Measure and the Instructions issued by the Mayor's Office for the Responsible Public Procurement with Social and Environmental Criteria.

    In addition, other regulations that provide for the inclusion of environmental and social criteria for certain products and services should be highlighted:

    Main measures and internal instructions


    Government Measure for the Greening of Council Services.


    Instructions to services on the use of recycled paper.


    Institutional Declaration on Fair Trade.


    Directive Issued by the Mayor’s Office on the Responsible Procurement of Timber, a pioneering initiative on a state level.


    Instructions to services on e-Christmas cards.


    Instructions issued by the Mayor’s Office on the rational and efficient use of air conditioning in summer.


    Government Measure on the Greening of Local Authority Contracts.


    Government Measure to Promote the Rational Use and Saving of Water.


    Government Measure on Responsible Procurement.


    Directive on the Greening of Public Works.


    Directive Issued by the Mayor’s Office on Street Furniture in Barcelona.


    Government Measure for Responsible Public Procurement with social and environmental criteria in the Barcelona City Council.


    Instructions issued by the Mayor’s Office on Responsible Public Procurement with social and environmental criteria.

    In 2001 a Government Measure for the Greening of Municipal Services was adopted to promote the introduction of environmental parameters in municipal activities and, in 2006, a Government Measure on the Greening of Local Authority Contracts was also adopted, "which led to the introduction of environmental criteria in the City Council's general and special administrative contract conditions, before the Spanish transposition of Directive 2004/17/EC.

    With the adoption of the Government Measure on Responsible Procurement in 2008, social aspects were also incorporated into contracting policies. This Measure has been extended and updated with the 2013 Government Measure and the Instructions issued by the Mayor's Office for the Responsible Public Procurement with Social and Environmental Criteria.

    In addition, other regulations that provide for the inclusion of environmental and social criteria for certain products and services should be highlighted:

    Main measures and internal instructions


    Government Measure for the Greening of Council Services.


    Instructions to services on the use of recycled paper.


    Institutional Declaration on Fair Trade.


    Directive Issued by the Mayor’s Office on the Responsible Procurement of Timber, a pioneering initiative on a state level.


    Instructions to services on e-Christmas cards.


    Instructions issued by the Mayor’s Office on the rational and efficient use of air conditioning in summer.


    Government Measure on the Greening of Local Authority Contracts.


    Government Measure to Promote the Rational Use and Saving of Water.


    Government Measure on Responsible Procurement.


    Directive on the Greening of Public Works.


    Directive Issued by the Mayor’s Office on Street Furniture in Barcelona.


    Government Measure for Responsible Public Procurement with social and environmental criteria in the Barcelona City Council.


    Instructions issued by the Mayor’s Office on Responsible Public Procurement with social and environmental criteria.

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