Instructions to services
The Technical Instructions for the Application of Sustainability Criteria are developed to respond to and comply with the government measure of responsible public procurement with social and environmental criteria and propose specific environmental criteria to be applied in the purchase and hiring of the groups of products and services defined as priority.
The technical instructions for the application of sustainability criteria were approved by Mayor's Decree 1244/15, published in the Municipal Gazette of May 10, 2015. On April 24, 2017, the Decree was signed Mayor's office on sustainable public procurement with social and environmental criteria that includes the procurement instructions, of general application to all municipal procurement bodies.
In accordance with the Decree and following the lines and priorities set by the European Commission, the Barcelona City Council establishes the following groups of priority products and services to greening:
What they contemplate?
The instructions determine the common environmental criteria that must be introduced in the purchase and contracting of products and services throughout the City Council. They define minimum standards of compliance that give homogeneity to municipal hiring.
Who does it apply to?
To all the units of the City Council and the entities and companies that make up the municipal group.
There are exceptions?
In the event that the promoter unit of a contract does not consider the inclusion of any sustainable public procurement measure viable or efficient, it will motivate the decision in the necessity report that will appear in the contracting file.
What is the scope and what are the criteria to apply?
Each instruction defines the types of products and services to which the instructions apply (scope), the general lines established by the instruction (priorities) and the environmental aspects that must be included in the contract (environmental criteria).
There are monitoring?
Yes, the information to complete the tracking data will be specifically requested from the promoter units of the contracts when it is considered appropriate.
Participatory process
The regulation of the environmental measures contained in the different technical instructions has been the result of an internal participatory process of more than 200 municipal agents from different departments and areas that were carried out during 2014 to define the specific environmental criteria, as well as the way to include them in municipal contracting.
It is a pioneering initiative in the national and international scope that consolidates the City Council's commitment to favor social action and respect for the environment through its contracting.